
I'm a software engineer. I am currently specializing in frontend development with React. In the past, I have done backend, data engineering and devops. That is why this site contains so many topics from the different areas of software engineering. It is to record what I learned from working with various projects I've been involved in and share some tips. Please leave comments if you have any feedback or questions. I would love to bounce ideas off everyone!

I'm also a musician. My main instruments are guitar and piano. I also attempt to write songs and sing. My main project is called, The Hondas. If you are interested, check us out. We've got a lot of albums, but it is always good to listen to the latest one because that's where I am at the moment.

How to set up auto-fix on save by using the project’s Eslint config with VS Code

This is a quick instruction to set up auto-fix on save by using the project’s eslint config with VS Code. It works for both TS and JS. 1. Install ESLint plugin for VS Code. 2. Add config to VS code Go to Code -> Preference -> Settings (or press cmd …

How to configure debugger when running jest for React unit tests with VS Code

We can debug the jest test with console.log (make sure to remove the -silent option). But, attaching a debugger and stepping through the tests sometimes may help us to troubleshoot quicker under certain circumstances. 1. Install Jest Plugin Install Jest plugin. 2. Configure Press cmd + shift + p. Find …

Unable to Get Local Issuer Certificate for installing Npm Modules

unable to get local issuer certificate error with yarn install from a private npm repository (such as JFrog), you can try running this command: yarn config set “strict-ssl” false yarn install Error message example error An unexpected error occurred: “https://npco.jfrog.io/artifactory/api/npm/npm-mdh/@mdh/my-library/-/@mdh/my-library-3.21.0.tgz: unable to get local issuer certificate”.

How to specify which Node version to use in Github Actions

When you want to specify which Node version to use in your Github Actions, you can use actions/setup-node@v2. The alternative way is to use a node container. When you try to use a publicly available node container like runs-on: node:alpine-xx, the pipeline gets stuck in a queue. runs-on is not …

Using semantic-release with AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild

Here is the usual pattern of getting the source from a git repository in AWS CodePipeline. In the pipeline, we use AWS CodeStart to connect to a repo and get the source. Then, we pass it to the other stages, like deploy or publish. For some unknown reasons, CodePipeline downloads …

mysqldump Error: Unknown table ‘COLUMN_STATISTICS’ in information_schema (1109)

mysqldump 8 enabled a new flag called columm-statistics by default. When you have MySQL client above 8 and try to run mysqldump on older MySQL versions, you will get the error below. mysqldump: Couldn’t execute ‘SELECT COLUMN_NAME, JSON_EXTRACT(HISTOGRAM ‘$”number-of-buckets-specified”‘) FROM information_schema.COLUMN_STATISTICS WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = ‘myschema’ AND TABLE_NAME = ‘craue_config_setting’;’: Unknown …

Deep Learning
Building AlexNet with TensorFlow and Running it with AWS SageMaker

In the last post, we built AlexNet with Keras. This is the second part of AlexNet building. Let’s rewrite the Keras code from the previous post (see Building AlexNet with Keras) with TensorFlow and run it in AWS SageMaker instead of the local machine. AlexNet is in fact too heavy …

Deep Learning
Building AlexNet with Keras

As the legend goes, the deep learning networks created by Alex Krizhevsky, Geoffrey Hinton and Ilya Sutskever (now largely know as AlexNet) blew everyone out of the water and won Image Classification Challenge (ILSVRC) in 2012. This heralded the new era of deep learning. AlexNet is the most influential modern …

Deep Learning
Introduction to Dense Layers for Deep Learning with TensorFlow

TensorFlow offers both high- and low-level APIs for Deep Learning. Coding in TensorFlow is slightly different from other machine learning frameworks. You first need to define the variables and architectures. This is because the entire code is executed outside of Python with C++ and the python code itself is just …

Data Ingestion
Sending XML Payload and Converting XML Response to JSON with Python

If you need to interact with a REST endpoint that takes a XML string as a payload and returns another XML string as a response, this is the quick guide if you want to use Python. If you want to do it with Node.js, you can check out the post …

Data Ingestion
Sending XML Payload and Converting XML Response to JSON with Node.js

Here is the quick Node.js example of interacting with a rest API endpoint that takes XML string as a payload and return with XML string as response. Once we get the response, we will convert it to a JSON object. For this example, we will use the old-school QAS (Quick …

Data Ingestion
Downloading All Public GitHub Gist Files

I used to use plug-ins to render code blocks for this blog. Yesterday, I decided to move all the code into GitHub Gist and inject them from there. Using a WordPress plugin to render code blocks can be problematic when update happens. Plugins might not be up to date. It …